Going Global: 3 Methods for Creating Multi-Language Video Content

Does your business’ customer base speak exclusively one language? Probably not.

And that’s a great argument for producing video content that reaches as large and diverse an audience as possible by translating your video into the languages that your customers speak.

At Anchor Line, we’re frequently tasked with language versioning, and there are a number of ways to go about it. Each has its own time and cost implications, and different methods of language versioning will establish different levels of connection with the viewer.

Here are three common approaches we employ to present our video and animation content in alternate languages:

#1: Subtitles + Caption Files

The first and easiest method is by adding subtitles or captions to your videos. You start by having your script translated into the desired languages. From there, you can develop what are known as SRT files; data “sidecar” files that can be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., and allow the viewer to toggle the captions on or off as they please.

Alternatively, you can opt to burn them into the video, which means they would remain visible throughout the duration of the content.

#2: Native Speaker Voice-Overs

The second method takes things a step further by replacing the primary voiceover with the same script narrated in a different language. This approach involves casting a native speaker to read the translated script in their language. It’s a more engaging way of connecting with your audience as it feels more personalized. You might also want to update the on-screen text to match the spoken language, enhancing the connection with viewers even further.

#3: Unique Videos for Each Language

The most effective (and admittedly, the most labor-intensive) method is creating unique videos for each language. This involves planning production days with talent who can speak those native languages, and producing a unique version of the video in each language you need. This approach ensures that your content is not only accessible but also directly speaks to each individual audience in a manner that is both authentic and engaging.

Why it Matters

Creating content that is more approachable and directly speaks to native speakers significantly enhances your video’s impact. It shows that you respect and value your diverse audience, which can build stronger connections with potential customers.

If you have any questions about language versioning for your videos, please reach out using the contact form below!