Taking The Classic “Animated Logo” A Step Further

Any company that takes pride in their brand is excited to see their logo animated in a unique way. There are many inexpensive templates that can burn your logo’s outline with lasers or create a stunning light show where your logo reveals from a zillion particles, but many companies seek something that’s more unique to their brand.

A good logo animation has thought and purpose behind it. At the risk of sounding pompous, the animation should draw inspiration from the nuances of the design, and it should reflect the company culture. It can include accompanying sound design if appropriate, and it can be on a stylized background, or on an alpha channel that allows a company with a bit of editing know-how to drop it on top of footage and maintain transparency.

But even beyond logos, there are many different types of custom animated assets that can be useful to your business. Here’s an overview of a few animated assets your company might be interested in.

A Library of Animated Assets

We are often asked by clients to develop a variety of animated assets, and we have found that these assets can be extremely useful in two ways:

Companies with internal capabilities can take a library of animated assets and create their own original content.

Companies without internal capabilities can request content from our team, and using the library of animated assets we’ve developed, we can turn that content around quickly and affordably.

So what is this “library of animated assets” I’m referring to? Well, it can include a number of different things, and we recommend different assets for different clients. For example, if your brand features heavy iconography, we would recommend giving those icons some simple, tasteful motion. If your brand creates lots of “thought leader” content for YouTube or LinkedIn, you might benefit from a clean, modern lower third graphic (like we made for the beginning of this director feature) or bumpers for the beginning and end of your videos (as we use here) so that all of your content is cohesive. Or, if you’re planning a lot of ongoing content, such as promoting new items, announcing discounts or promotions, or introducing new hires with content that is customized to the individuals, we’d work with you to develop a tool kit with many interchangeable assets (as we did for BankNewport below) that can be arranged in any number of ways to develop fresh, original content that is both unique and on brand.

Simple animated assets can be a powerful way to grab a viewer’s attention and elevate your branding, and at Anchor Line, we love us some animation.

Drop us a line with questions, ideas, or to start giving some new motion to your brand assets!